Today you’ll get to meet Marin Everly of The Girl Between The Worlds. Maybe you already checked out her character page (or maybe you’re one of my lucky beta readers, and know a bit about her from the book), but I’ll try to include some juicy tidbits, direct from her Character Bible, you may not know about our heroine.
When the story begins, Marin is fifteen years old. Her mother died in a tragic car accident when Marin was very young, and she and her father, being on their own, are very close.
Whether it is due to the loss of her mother or some other reason, Marin has trouble sleeping, and has for as long as she can remember. To combat this, she goes for a run every morning. It’s on one such morning run that she encounters a mysterious boy— over and over again.
Three years later, she is involved in an accident, and is catapulted into another dimension, where she is reunited with the strange boy, and learns the truth about her mother, and about her own abilities to manipulate nature as a sort of magic.

Physical Description:
Marin is 5’7” with red hair and crystal clear eyes. She is an average build, and since she runs she is fit. She prefers to dress casually, but always looks put together, never sloppy. Her favorite outfit is a fitted band t-shirt, slim-fit jeans, soft camel brown leather jacket, and camel brown ankle boots. She always wears a bracelet she inherited from her mother: A leather wrap bracelet with a round bauble of glass containing sand.
Mannerisms and Personality
When Marin is nervous, scared, or uncomfortable, she fidgets with the bracelet her mother left her. She always walks in a purposeful way, aware of her surroundings. Her humor is quirky and dry. She is an introvert, but she comes out of her shell when necessary, especially to stand up for someone who needs it.
Marin loves to run and does it every day to combat her sleeplessness. She also enjoys hiking in nature and exploring. She tends to find herself admiring details that others don’t seem to notice.
When it comes to music, she’s the same way. While she likes all music, she tends to lean toward independent artists that others may not know. She likes discovering “new” music and introducing it to her friends.
As far as other entertainment goes, she loves stories that take her away to other worlds, which makes it easier for her to accept her new situation.
Contents of her Purse
Marin carries a wallet with whatever cash, cards and ID she needs. She doesn’t like to have a lot of things weighing her down, and she doesn’t like having purses when she can help it.
Worst Childhood Memories
After her mother died (which she does not remember, as she was only a baby at the time), her father brought home a puppy, who quickly became Marin’s best friend. However, the dog died of liver failure when it was only 8 years old.
Best Childhood Memories
Marin looks back fondly on a particularly memorable trip to the carnival.
Goals & Ambitions
Marin’s number one priority is to keep her loved ones safe. While she may not always realize what that entails, or what her role in that is, she acts according to what she thinks is going to accomplish that goal.
Greatest Hopes & Fears
Marin hopes that eventually, she’ll figure out what she wants to do with her life, and fears that she won’t be able to figure it out, and will be a disappointment to her father, who has always been wonderful to her.
Special Powers
Marin can manipulate the natural energies of the world around her, like others from the dimension her mother is from. Each of these “magi” have a special focus, and Marin’s is wind. However, she also discovers that, unlike those magi, she can also utilize the technology of her own dimension.
A bit on morals & other character-defining decisions
These are some interesting questions that we could all ask ourselves and try to answer honestly. I like to ask them of my characters, to truly understand them underneath.
Marin has a chance to kill someone to survive. Will she or won’t she?
When the book begins, Marin would not kill someone to survive. But the more she learns about what is in the worlds, the more that begins to change.
Marin can break the law or certain rules to attain their goals. Will she or won’t she?
She would definitely break the rules to help someone, especially if it is her family or close friends, which mean more to her than anything.
Marin is confronted by authority. Does she submit respectfully or resist?
Marin’s father taught her to respect authority. That being said, there may be instances where she recognizes that authority is not always worthy of respect.
Marin has to interact with children. Is she naturally motherly, or is she cold and distant?
Marin is very shy with children. Not necessarily cold or distant, but nervous around them. She doesn’t babysit for a reason. She doesn’t dislike children, they just make her nervous.
Marin is attracted to another character. Does she resist? Does she become infatuated? Is she hesitant? Does she embrace love right away?
She feels fluttery crushes, and tries to be respectful of the relationships that she has built with others. However, if given the right situation, she will make the first move.