Things have been coming along quite nicely for The Girl Between The Worlds. I’m super excited for you all to meet Marin, the girl catapulted into another dimension, and Alastair, the time traveler.
After taking a few steps back, I finally decided to rewrite a troublesome chapter. As much as I hate it to become a cycle of endless editing, I am more satisfied with it, even though it was something I had fought doing (the chapter I rewrote was the first chapter I had written).
So now, I’m sending it back out to my trusty betas, to confirm it is, indeed, better, and then the book should be more than ready for querying. I’m currently working up my list of agents, so I have a plan of attack. I’m coming for you, agents!
In the meantime, I’ve also worked up this mockup for a cover/slash/graphic to work with when telling you all about it.

In other book news, I’m coming to the end of the planning process for my Broken Guardians manuscript, and am extremely excited to get started on putting some actual story down on pages.
For those unfamiliar with this one, it’s about a girl who gains super powers by tapping into the powers of her guardian angel.

I look forward to sharing more about it very soon!